
Mountain Bike Knox

Mountain Bike Knox

Mountain bike trails don’t build themselves. Most destination trail systems have a backbone organization that organizes pedal people: riders, volunteers, trail builders, and donors. In Knoxville, Tennessee, AMBC (Appalachian Mountain Bike Club) has been Knox County’s...

Give the Gift of Travel

Give the Gift of Travel

If you're like me, you're already scheming and planning for 2024 travel. And, since the holiday season is upon us, let's skip more stuff and give the gift of travel instead. What's on our 2024 wish list? Montana, Park City, Quebec, and of course a return to NW...

Roam Fest – Nine New Bike Besties

Roam Fest – Nine New Bike Besties

Most mountain bikers are men, 70% according to current demographics. That means my fellow femme shredders make up the other 30% or less. I’d love to see this stat continue to change, and I hope more women will take up this unique and adventurous sport. Change is a few...

Start Your Pedals (Knoxville, TN)

Start Your Pedals (Knoxville, TN)

Ladies and gentlemen….start your pedals!  With a signature downhill mountain bike trail named the Devil’s Racetrack, bikers, race fans, and lovers of speed and adrenaline take note. The Racetrack is just one of many sculpted dirt highways in Knoxville’s...

The Noog

The Noog

Christmas on the road usually brings some unique experiences. The sign said Bikers Welcome at Rumors Sports Bar & Grill and was open on Christmas. We were the wrong kind of biker but we went in anyway for a late dinner. As cigarette smoke drifted around in this...