I’ve Gotta Pack
By Laura R. Holmes

Stories of travel, adventure and fun!
Through these pages you will journey alongside Laura and her travel companions, as they hike to the peaks of Kilimanjaro, Africa and Machu Picchu, Peru. She skis through blizzards, breathes in the big air in Alaska, gets wet in Costa Rica, and relives some family adventures… you will finish the book already planning your own adventure. The stories are expressed with equal parts sensitivity and verve, providing a terrific read and a good rainy day book for all armchair travelers, and wild women and men everywhere.
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Product Description
Perfect Paperback, 160 pages, 6 x 9″
First edition, travel/memoir
Published in 2012 by: Content Queens LLC
Project Coordination by Jenkins Group Inc. www.BookPublishing.com
Paperback $14.95
Kindle e-book $2.99